Poems by Bishop Kingsley E. Wright

The Night is Far Spent

Today we have too many queen bees and drones;

In some cases too many graves and dry bones;

Too many divisions and sowers of discord-

Sad to see such great lack of being in one accord.

Yet the night is far spent and the hour is at hand!

Oh when will the people of God truly understand?

This no time for us to retreat,

No time to be weak, experiencing spiritual defeat.

Cast off the works of darkness and all else forsake:

Church, the night is far spent—high time to awake.

Remove all those weights, daily take up the cross;

Giving all up for Christ, you’ll ne’er experience loss.


~ April 1990



Delight in God’s Word!


O that for the Bible you would develop much zeal,

That you’d want it much more than your regular meal.

Some say it’s a book of dark sayings—concealed.

A lie! For clearly to man God there is revealed.

It will help you ‘gainst sin to successfully fight,

And for sure it will help you to always live right—

No more to stumble, for you’ll walk in the light.

O love it and cherish it—your chief delight.

~ Jan. 1990 




Fathers–, fathers with a heavenly mind,

Fathers with a Christian example so difficult to find,

Fathers who wholly and solely to o God are committed,

Fathers whose enemies’ sins they have freely remitted,

Fathers who have openly and freely to God submitted,

Fathers who sin, shame, and hell will spurn,

Fathers who will keep on the narrow way, never to turn,

Fathers, who for God, His Word and will, always yearn,

Fathers who are possessed with a heavenly gaze,

Fathers who for Christ with white heat are ablaze,

(So many evil fathers in church pews, you would  be amazed),

Time now for fathers in Christ to unite, Satan’s kingdom to raze,

Time to stand up for Jesus, to liberate the world’s community

From drugs, hate, reveling, bitterness, immorality;

Time for godly fathers under Christ to come together in unity,

Time to keep our eyes on things eternal—on our God above,

To be cleansed, filled, guided by the heavenly Dove.

Fathers, let our lives to all, to our children, be a Christlike example:

Let them be able to say, “He is a Christian, a heavenly sample.”

~ June 1989


Oh, the Children!!


Children of different class, color and creed, so numerous, in some cases beyond measure;

They are so charming, so dear, worth more than any earthly treasure.

Children, so neglected because of the lust for wealth and sensual pleasure:

Parents, so robbed of spiritual power and God’s blessing, experiencing a satanic seizure;

Parents with children, but with too little or no exposure to God’s Word.

Now we have a generation which is deprived of the effectiveness of that Spiritual Sword.

Some children are well cared for, but only as to physical comfort:

Sad but true, so many children whose lives seem not of much worth;

Children, who are abused, neglected and chastised by pain:

Many turn to crime, drugs, illicit sex—for they see life as being vain;

Children, exposed to bigotry, class prejudice and hate;

Children, going down to hell at an alarming rate.

My heat for them is moved with pity, concern and care;

Oh, the children, the children—can we not with them God’s Word gladly share?

~ Nov. 1989





It is sad, very sad, to see parents so poorly relate;

Little time have they for joy, or to effectively communicate.

Many wives disrespect their husbands, refuse their headship mission—

Wives, who are a terror and a threat to social harmony, desiring little or no real communion,

Many husbands are unfaithful, unthankful, unholy, lacking true love—

Husbands, chained to cares and pleasures, no time for the Father above.

God has declared husbands and wives become one;

But few today live like the saints who for God so gloriously shone.

God commissioned each man to love truly his wife

To remove all bitterness, clamor and strife,

Parents their young, God requires to properly train,

For only God saves from a life bitterness and vanity,

God wills that parents guide their children in the Holy way;

Such parents will not be blamed if their children go astray.

How refreshing to see true marriages—never moving toward divorce,

Parents who hold on, knowing God is their only Source;

With loving determination such spouses to each other cling.

Going the last mile, such parents to Jesus their young freely bring.

Such parents, unknown, having little silver or gold,

Are parents with Good News, the greatest ever told.

Thank God for such parents, wherever they be,

Some day with their children, God’s face they will se.

~ Nov. 1989





Moses, while tending Jethro’s sheep, encountered God in the mountain—

God was ready to deliver Israel from their difficulties and pain.

Samuel, the boy, was called in the quiet of the night.

Israel, at the time, was in deep trouble with no spiritual insight.

David, the poet and great king, was called from the sheepfold;

Through the abiding presence of God he was a warrior mighty and bold.

God revealed Himself to the Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot—   

Using Philip, taking him from a revival brining red hot.

Saul the persecutor met God on the Damascus road:

Overwhelmed was he by his pride, ignorance and religious load.

With God so many others have had this personal encounter, a great experience;

They knew the power of God, ensuring them of competence.

This experience is not something of times past,

But for us today has the same effect so long as time shall last.

Oh that many more will really accept this—a blessing that is really ours,

Especially at this crucial time with its fast-fleeting hours.

Oh that all Christians might enjoy this available power!

Yes, He promised that in these last days a mighty spiritual shower.


~ Jan. 1990 



Christmas, they say, is a manmade holiday;

Christmas is a time to be secularly merry and gay;

Christmas is not for the poor, they say; these are not properly related

The time now celebrated they say, is wrongly dated.

Some of these charges do have some facts;

So many use Christmas just to do selfish acts.

So many today celebrate xmas, not Christmas—

In sin and revelry other’s evil deeds to surpass.

But controversial issues I seek not to debate;

Rather, Christ’s coming to earth I would fully appreciate.

It’s Christ and not Santa that is the very core—

Yet, sad to say, how little the Savior men will adore.

Thank God for that first Christmas Day;

For its full realization among men we must effectually pray;

Daily we must live the reality of this blessing.

Then many more will doubtless come—to Christ humbly confessing.

Christmas, indeed, is a time to share’

Showing mankind others for them really care.

Fellow saints, extend that helping hand:

It could be someone homeless and friendless, our love will show them others care

and understand;

I do pray your Christmas day will be peaceful and holy.

That you’ll not be concerned with selfish pursuits only.

I pray that to Jesus your sins you did confess;

That Christmas Day, in your heat Christ you’ll truly possess.  


The Church

The Church is not made of stone, concrete, steel, or any other building products;

The Church is not operated as man his secular business deceitfully conducts.

The Church is not limited to, as some believe, one particular denomination;

The Church is not limited in is scope to one class or limited to one nation.

The Church is not a part of man’s selfishness, greed, and utter disgrace;

The Church has one Foundation: it is one body despite class, color or race.

The Church is people, washed in Jesus Blood, made free and pure—

People with new life, new hope, new future of which they are sure,

People who are redeemed, taken from the slave market

People whose lives were filled with misery but, glorious, Jesus they met;

People who from the road to hell they have turned around:

Now by the grace of God they are heaven bound.

The Church here on earth is a heavenly light—

Showing man life above the world—doing what is right.

This light shines on for those who daily grope in darkness.

Thank God for this light, outshining sin with its heavenly brightness.

The Church with Christ indwelling, is that light on a hill,

Composed of saints submissive to God’s will.

The Church is unique in its purpose and composition;

The Church is unique in its accomplishments and its relevant commission;

The Church is unique in having Christ as it foundation—our Blessed Savior;

It has the only message, reversing man’s depraved behavior.

Let us who are the Church in Him constantly abide

For benefits eternal Christ shall give His glorious bride.

Let us be found good stewards, always being faithful—

Of God’s will, His way, let us evermore be mindful.

~ Nov. 1989



There they hung the Son of God, despised and rejected.

The people refused Him, and a common criminal was selected.

His disciples fled: He was alone like one abandoned

Yet Calvary would be a turning point the victory to be won;

Calvary was not a place of ease, but of much grief and terrible pain

Yet Calvary would, like a beacon, make the way plain.

On Calvary our Savior, my Savior, willingly died.

Satan thought he had won but would soon discover that was a lie.

See Christ, the Son of God on Calvary exposed to shame;

Yet His death would bring a deadly blow to Satan’s game.

It wasn’t easy, but Christ endured despite all the rivalry.

How I highly appreciate and thank God for Calvary!

Calvary, O Calvary, thy wok has bought me the victory.

No other way would I be able to share this great story.

On Calvary from His wound flowed His precious blood;

Thank God, it came to my heart like a mighty flood.

Through Christ’s atonement from my life removed the leaven.

How else would I be worthy, washed and made ready for heaven?

~ Jan. 1990    


Virtuous Woman

A woman of virtue is something valuable an rare;

Such must be sought with earnestness and care.

In such a woman her husband can truly trust;

She is not given to infidelity and lust.

She is creative, utilizing her talents, seeking o be industrious.

In the things of God she craves for; she is one deeply zealous.

She does her best at home and is seldom a late sleeper.

Of her husband and children she is a good keeper—

She seeks the welfare of her family, and laboriously toils,

And with God’s help Satan’s devices she so often foils.

She is known to be hospitable, is always charitable;

By all, even strangers, she is regarded as admirable.

O for such a woman! She is worth more than all the world’s treasure—

To have her acquaintance is indeed a pleasure.

~ Jan. 1989



Sinner Man, O Sinner Man


Sinner man, O sinner man, bound for hell

Won’t you stop and listen to the peal of the Gospel bell

Won’t you admit your sinful nature brought to you when Adam fell?

Sinner man, O sinner man, bound for hell,

Seek Him, call on Him, (I, divinely commissioned, plead)—sinners to compel.

Sinner man, O sinner man, bound for hell,

Now, on salvation’s day, seek Christ; make sure with your soul all is well.

Sinner man, O sinner man, with God’s Word you strongly vie;

Hell awaits you so long as to Satan you decisively tie

Sinner man, O sinner man, with God’s Word you strongly vie;

Accept right now that Bible truth that in hell here are torments; you shall never die

Sinner man, O sinner man, with God’s Word you strongly vie;

In hell you’ll suffer eternally, stop believing the devil’s lie.

Sinner man, O sinner man, before you is the blood stained cross;

Despite your outward glory, every night you turn and toss.

Sinner man, O sinner man, before you is he blood stained cross;

What matters: prestige, popularity…? Without God, Satan is you devious boss.

Sinner man, O sinner man, before you is the blood stained cross;

Despite much wealth and maybe good health, without Christ it is all but loss.

Sinner man, O sinner man, before you is the blood stained cross;

Open your heart to Jesus Christ let Him take control and form your life he will

remove the dross.

Sinner man, O sinner man, it’s time to understand;

God’s desires are not burdensome; they are not unfair demand (s).

Sinner man, O sinner man, it’s time to understand;

Give heed, yield to God’s will and seek to obey His command.

Sinner man, O sinner man, it’s time to understand;

If you are willing and obedient, you eat the fat of the land.

Sinner man, O sinner man, it’s time to understand;

There’s nothing else more rewarding, worthwhile, than to be in this heavenly band.

Sinner man, O sinner man no longer the Word of God spurn;

Or, sinner man, O sinner man, in hell you will eternally burn.

Sinner man, O sinner man no longer the Word of God spurn;

Yes, sinner man, O sinner man, stop, think, make that crucial u-turn.

Sinner man, O sinner man, you know God’s Word you transgress;

Be realistic, serious, and sincere—and now you sins address.

Come to Jesus, now, all yours sins confess.

God will lift your load, your soul set free—

Yes confess, take God’s way, a new person you’ll be.   


Nov. 1989


Take Off!

Moses in his encounter with God was told to take off his shoe;

This act teaches the necessity for us to consecrate, as we prepare to meet with God.

Teaching us the need for reverence, humility and submission, bowing at His feet;

Indeed, such a period of communion with God is to the soul refreshing, as we meet.

David was clad with but took off Saul’s amour;

That which is not conducive to our lifestyle we should not harbor;

We should make sure that our Christian life does not in the end be determined as

 useless labor;

Any day now the trump will sound when we all arrive at that crucial hour.

Lazarus was loosed of his grave clothes in which he was wrapped

How we ought to stand fast and not allow ourselves to be trapped.

Christ has already for all mended that awful gap;

Without Christ, we are lost; He is our heaven-bound road map.

Let’s take off all things that are canal and inordinate,

Be clothed with the things of God an upon His Word we daily mediate

By our lives let us to our children and others the truth of God inculcate;

Firmly having our minds focus on God as we daily our all consecrate.

~ Jan. 1990


Thank You Lord for Your Grace

Lord how thankful I am for your matchless, infinite grace,

I do pray, Lord, for strength each day to run the discipleship race,

I pray, Lord, I plea most earnestly do not let me to your cause be a disgrace,

Living a life of purity now, so on that great day I’ll have no fear meeting you face to face.

What a memorable day, a glorious day for our sins your only Son you willingly gave,

More glorious so when I was helped by the blessed Holy Spirit, now I am gloriously saved,

It was a happy day, a real happy day, you gave me peace inside and a song to sing,

Oh! Such grace, marvelous grace! Sin taken away and death has no sting.

Oh! Thank you! Thank you Lord for this infinite grace you brought,

Before, how futile, how vain as for answers to life’s dilemma we unsuccessfully sought,

I am now looking to you the author and finisher of our faith to keep me; this battle you have

 successfully fought,

Without this commitment, this abiding, purity, our efforts are only human and will come to nought.

Thank you for this real experience, for the transformation, now I stand on solid ground,

Thank you for considering me, insignificant me, now my life is meaningful and by your grace I am

heaven bound!

~ Oct. 1989 



The Savior Came


Ever since man first sinned God graciously promised a Redeemer,

Despite how long it appeared to be God always remembers,

God is not man that He should lie, He did promise a Savior,

One who would change man in thought word and behavior,

Yes Christ the Savior, the Son of God finally came!

To deliver all from Satan’s enslavement, thus relieving man of hopelessness,

sin and shame.


Man in his intellectual stride, vainly glory in his rejection,

Many tried to prove that the Savior was not of holy conception,

We have no doubt as to God’s power; Mary was still a virgin,

Jesus Christ is God He is eternal and free from sin,

The angels gave the assurance of God’s doing, definitely an unusual thing.

Oh, how glorious how wonderful the holy angels sing.


Wise men were earnest in their search they came from far,

They were determined to find the child as they followed the star,

They came with gifts; each gift was a symbolic present.

God freely gave to the world His only and beloved Son He sent,

Jesus cradle was a manger that which was for the animals,

Even on the cross He was placed between two criminals!!


Christ the Savior came because man from his first state fell,

Christ the Savior came to deliver us from eternal hell,

Christ the Savior came and to the world assured full deliverance,

Let us all our daily lives commit to Him to continuous remembrance,

Oh! Friend, I pray that this will be to you a real Christmas Day!!

If sin still lingers, you can get the old account settled because Christ long ago

the debt of sin did pay!!!


~ Dec. 1989  




Grounded in Him


There are wars and rumors of wars but there is also peace and tranquility,

You can have peace despite all fierceness and hostility,

There are many who are extending generosity and hospitality,

Thousands, millions are sincerely serving God with availability and ability.

Many for their happiness and need, who do not depend on the external,

They find ultimate satisfaction and pleasure without being carnal,

Despite the prevailing depravity, all have not become morally abnormal,

There are so many enjoying fellowships that which is divinely fraternal.

These have been conscious of and have their spiritual needs addressed,

To Jesus they their sins have sincerely confessed,

God is now in control of their lives, Satan no longer these lives possessed,

It’s no wonder they are filled with real joy and lasting happiness!!

~ Dec. 1989



The Suffering Savior


Despite all His goodness and the facts of His reality men still refuse to believe,

They daily gloat in their evil ways but Chit they refuse to receive,

Through Christ the will, mercy and grace of God to us is revealed,

The way to God is not mysteriously concealed

He was (is) the Son of God but He hath no from nor comeliness,

Through His effective ministry He would relieve us of all heartache and loneliness,

There is so much to Him but to be intimately related man has very little desire,

In agony His sweat was like drops of blood as one profusely perspire,

Like as a common criminal He was despised and rejected,

How thankful we ought to be as our salvation is divinely selected,

Leaving all the joys of heaven He became a man of sorrow,

To those who accept, we do have a glorious hope beyond tomorrow.

God incarnate dwelt among men and was acquainted with grief,

From our depravity, degradation and disgust He brought sweet relief,

He did no wrong but was despised and was not esteemed,

Yet He is man’s Savior! Hallelujah! Through His grace we are redeemed,

He was brutally tortured and was wounded for our transgressions,

God has always triumphed in history during man’s frequent spiritual recessions.

He was brutally and mercilessly afflicted but it’s by His stripes that we are healed,

How wonderful to know that through His blessed Holy Spirit we are sealed,

We all in our rebellious and sinful ways like sheep we went astray,

It was on our behalf He felt that intense burden when He in the Garden intensely


With no resistance, no request for angelic help, He as a lamb went to the slaughter,

His sacrifice still not appreciated or accepted but was done to save us from eternal


His lifeless body was wrapped and in another’s tomb was laid,

Christ took the world’s sin and on Calvary the price was fully paid,

Man’s futile effort and a sealed tomb could not keep Him down,

Today, He the Victorious freely offers to all an eternal crown.


~ Dec. 1989       




He Will


It’s a pleasure, a grand privilege to be His sheep,

He will be there to comfort whenever you sorrow or weep,

He will be there when the water becomes troubled and very deep,

He will be there when your mountains are rocky and dangerously steep,

He will be there with His outstretched arms to safely secure and keep.


He will be there in the midst of all despair to calm your fear,

He will be there your desperate, anxious troubles to gladly hear,

He will as promised: He will be there, never to abandon, He will always be near,

He will one of these days for ever remove all hurt, all sorrow and all tear(s),

He will be your everlasting Fiend, a Fiend so precious, ever so dear!!


~ Dec. 1989  




The Field 


The spiritually sensitive will see the harvest filed is white,

On every side thousands are going to hell, Oh, what an awful site,

God to us in His Great Commission said we must “Go!”

Yet man has become insensitive and stubbornly says “No!”

So many fields are grossly neglected and need to be plowed,

We have the “Good Tidings” but it’s not effectively sowed,

Despite all the negative attitudes we still expect the Church to grow,

At the same time the Gospel lamps are not trimmed and give little or no glow.

Christ for all mankind, on Calvary paid the cost,

Let’s take up the challenge reaching out to the lost,

The harvest is all white!! Beloved, it’s ready to be harvested,

Let us be fully engaged and never from this work be diverted.

~Dec. 1989




The Church’s Plight


The Church needs funds but is becoming too money inclined,

Packed with people possessing wrong perspectives and are spiritually declined,

Saints who seek too much of the world thus becoming secular

They seek friendship with the world in order to be popular.


To each other we have become unfriendly and lack genuine love,

Yes some are wise like a serpent but not harmless like a dove,

Saints who live so bitterly and alarmingly unkind,

So many are going down the ditch because their leaders are blind.


Churches with leaders, who have no spiritual depth,

Leaders and followers, who for sinners never wept,

Once these leaders contended for the faith earnestly but now they compromise,

In their own eyes they are the elites and the all-wise.


Some church seek not Holy Ghost filled men but intellectual wizards,

So often they have proven to be spiritual hazards,

Men because of their leaning seek not God’s mind,

No wonder although with so many activities many are still so far behind.


It’s time for the Church to get humble and seeks God’s face,

There’s no better way to be saved from such awful disgrace,

God says it’s time to pray and turn from all wicked ways

God will heal the land that is what He says.


~ Dec. 1989 



Help Me!

Lord Jesus, help me the way I Talk,

Lord Jesus, help me the way I walk,

Lord Jesus, help me the things I see,

Lord Jesus, help me he things I want to be,

Lord Jesus, help me with my deeds,

Lord Jesus, help me daily with Your Word my soul to feed,

Lord Jesus, help me not to live in the dark,

Lord Jesus, help me to be happier than a lark,

Lord Jesus, help me not to corrode and rust,

Lord Jesus, help me that in you I will always trust,

Lord Jesus, help me my all to daily watch,

With you I’m safe, you are all-powerful Satan is no match

~ Dec. 1989




Don’t Give In


At times we feel the urge to give in,

At that moment it’s important to stop and think of the result of sin,

Do not give in; do not give in to lust,

Keep looking to Jesus in Him fully trust

All around scores are going down but do not give in to immorality,

God is your strength He will give you the needed ability,

Oh, think of the awful state when you backslide,

Do not give in and take the hell bound ride,

Do not go with the world and end in despair,

Check your life; allow God the breach to repair,

Do not give in and let your love for God become cold,

The Holy Spirit is your power; He will make you bold,

Despite how Satan buffets do not give in to fear,

God has promised never to forsake, He is always near,

Satan is determined, he will try and not just one way,

But do not give in, stay on the narrow way.


~ Dec. 1989 



Awful Day


It won’t be long before man his real self will face,

For many even the most elated, it will be an awful disgrace,

A day when man no longer can his evil conceal,

A time when the Omniscient will all deeds reveal.


So many on the surface appears so pure but are consumed by lust,

Many great miracles and wonders but God is not their trust,

Outstanding with charity and good will but internally consumed by bitter hate,

Mighty preachers who have little or no time with God to communicate.


Habitually, some within the Church others to hell they condemn,

Yet God knows each one and who He freely recommends,

Many who are scorned and rejected will be found on solid ground,

Many who were praised and exalted in the Lamb’s Book of Life will not be found.

There’s a Great Day Coming!! A Great Day Coming!!


~ Jan. 1990






How good and pleasant for saints to live in unity,

It has such a lovely aroma and flavor to the Christian and secular community,

Despite all our gifts and talents, love is the mark of genuine discipleship,

There’s such great blessing and tranquility when brethren enjoy true fellowship.


Where there is unity all bitterness and clamor will be dissolved,

All malice, separation and bitter conflicts will be resolved,

Unity how wonderful among us will be like a “divine umpire”

Where there is unity there will be that glowing holy fire!!


Unity is vital to the Church’s effective operation,

Living together in the bond of togetherness is a powerful means of communication,

History has proven that unity is essential to the Church’s growth and progress.

Accomplished goals have proven that unity brings success.


There is no doubt; unity for the Church is God’s deepest desire,

With such He is well pleased and will always admire,

Ever since the Church was established united we stand and divided we fall,

Saints everywhere let’s join hands and hearts in proclaiming the Gospel call!!


~ Jan. 1990





Christ procured our victory at Calvary,

It wasn’t easy but it was accomplished amidst bitter rivalry,

This is the same God, who took Israel across the Red Sea,

He will at any time most willingly hear you plea,

Satan will keep tying but do not be overtaken by fright,

Just keep trusting in God and living right,

We have the most powerful weapon as we commune on bended knees,

As you go in prayer, remember faith is the eye that sees,

Never believer your needs are too great or small for God to supply,

He will met all your needs only to Him apply,

Pray not only for yourself but for others, who are in need,

Yes, they need your prayers, oh today for them intercede,

Despite who or what you pray for only hold the forth,

God will hear and will always give fullest support.

~ Jan. 1990

